Proverbs about months of the year
Proverbs form an integral part of the collective memory of Lebanese society, emerging spontaneously when situations lend themselves to it. These linguistic expressions encompass moral teachings, popular wisdom, and experiential knowledge deemed worth remembering. Proverbs have diverse origins, with some drawing inspiration from religious texts such as the Old and New Testaments, the Qur’an, the Hadith, and the teachings of Imam Ali. Others find their roots in ancient verses of Arab poets, either reproduced in their original form or simplified. Finally, popular sayings can also be the fruit of observation and everyday experiences. Spoken in literal or dialectal Arabic, they are not attributed to specific authors. Proverbs are often very old and of folk origin, and therefore transmitted orally. In situations that are conducive to them, each proverb is prefaced by the phrase “there is a proverb that says” (في مثل بقول), followed by the recitation of the proverb itself.
Proverbs relating to heaven exhort humility, modesty, poverty, evoke luck or destiny commanded by God.
« Pride brought down the angels from heaven الكبريا سقط الملاكة من السما
Proverb inspired by Christian theology which puts forward the idea that the devil was an angel, who became vain, was fallen from heaven
Whoever humbles himself will be lifted up to heaven من تواضع سما
This proverb, which praises the virtues of modesty, is taken from the New Testament
No matter how much the tree grows, it will not reach the sky الشجرة مهما كبرت ما بتوصل للسما
Despite a successful life, you must know your limits and maintain a bit of modesty
Moses is dead, God is the master of heaven موسى مات الله رب السموات
No one is essential or unavoidable
Who loves his mother-in-law has heavenly luck حظه من السما يلي بحب الحما
Who doesn’t have a mother-in-law has divine luck حظه من السما هلي ما عنده حما
These two proverbs highlight the hostility towards the mother-in-law
It is written on the door of heaven, no daughter-in-law loves her mother-in-law مكتوب على باب السما ، ما في كنة بتحب الحما
The ground is his mattress and the sky his blanket الارض فرشته والسما غطاه
It’s the poor homeless person
Be merciful to your fellow men, the heavenly father will be merciful to you ارحمو من في الارض يرحمكم من في السماء
This proverb taken from a hadith teaches indulgence in relationships with one’s neighbor to deserve the afterlife.
Who puts his capital in the sky, never goes bankrupt يلي رصيده بالسما ما بفلس
This proverb glorifies divine justice: believe in God he will reward you
Entrust yourself to the God of heaven, you will be safe سلم امورك لرب السما، تسلم
Attitude of resignation of people overwhelmed by worries of which they do not see the end”
(Samadi Naaman Hana, 2013)