Falconry is a hunting technique involving birds of prey such as falcons and hawks. The falconry hunting technique is a proper art whose origins are very ancient and its use is widespread in several parts of the world. In Sicily it became popular during the rule of Frederick II (from 1198 to 1250) and the emperor himself wrote the work De arte venandi cum avibus (the art of hunting with birds). As well as being a great historical testimony to this hunting activity, it is also an interesting compendium on the hunting techniques.

Falconry today is an art whose knowledge, techniques and secrets are handed down from generation to generation. The knowledge associated with falconry involves a great knowledge of the hunting territory, a strong bond with the trained birds and an in-depth knowledge of the species. Hunting practice thus creates a very close relationship between man and nature not only through in-depth knowledge of how falcons or hawks act but also through collaboration with birds of prey during training and actual hunting. Hunting and training techniques have been handed down for generations and nowadays there are clubs and associations dedicated to the dissemination of this art through specific courses. For example, in Castelmola, which is a town in the Messina area, falconer Antonio Centamore has created an international falconry school. This school teaches the art of hunting and is committed to disseminating knowledge related to it.  It is also active in experimentation and the organisation of events that showcase falconry techniques.

Today in Italy falconry is included in the regulation of hunting practice, which is why it can be used in accordance with regulations and, in some regions, only with a specific licence. In addition to hunting, hawks can also be trained in free flight and used for the so-called bird control: birds of prey in free flight scare away other birds whose massive presence endangers the ecosystem of a given area or infests urban locations.

Cassataro L., Il falconiere siciliano e il mito della falconeria federiciana in I Siracusani, bimestrale di storia, arte e tradizioni del territorio siracusano - anno XI n.61/62, Sett. Ott. 2006
Burnet C. et Van den Abeele B. (a cura di), Falconry in the Mediterranean Context during the Pre-Modern Times, Droz, Genève, 2021
Wood C.A. et Fyfe F.M. (a cura di), The art of falconry being the De Arte Venandi Cum Avibus by Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1943
REI - Libro delle celebrazioni -Arte della falconeria di Antonio Centamore https://reis.cricd.it/reisicilia/details/2/129 ((last visited 02/07/2022)
Asa Falchi Sicilia https://www.asafalchi.com/ (last visited 26/06/2022)
Antonio Maestro falconiere https://centamoreantonio.it/maestro-falconiere/
Beni Culturali - UNESCO https://www.unesco.beniculturali.it/projects/arte-della-falconeria/ (last visited 02/07/2022)
Inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity UNESCO since 2021 (16.COM) - Falconry, a living human heritage https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/falconry-a-living-human-heritage-01708
TreccaniChannel - Treccani La cultura italiana, Patrimoni dell'UNESCO - La falconeria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWKmvQYLxg0 (last visited 26/06/2022)